Sustainable Energy & Energy Efficiency

Our consultants, some with degree level insight in this field, will be happy to discuss options available in terms of sourcing your electricity from renewable sources and also various methodologies for minimising your actual energy usage.

We believe there are many misnomers surrounding, in our opinion, the biggest challenge facing humanity today. The general banner of ‘Global Warming’, under which the challenge of carbon emissions has been labeled, we believe, has had the effect of misrepresenting the scientific consensus on the challenge. The likely effects of continued carbon release are simply impossible to understand with any certainty, with a myriad of unforeseeable knock on consequences that could all prove hugely challenging in each case.

However, the common interpretation would simply be that the likely outcome is confined to temperature increases, and when this does not necessarily meet with observations on a micro scale over short timescales, the severity of the challenge can become diluted.

In fact, consensus suggests that while globally temperatures are forecast to rise, in most regions, changes will manifest themselves as greater climate unpredictability rather than just temperature increases.

For us, the message should simply be one of caution, taking account not only of present generations but also future generations. If we cannot say with any certainty what the result of our actions may be, then we must seek to protect against those actions by eliminating our carbon emissions, to ensure the possibility of catastrophe is averted.

We are not recommending you look at making changes, as is often the case with suppliers, to meet regulator’s targets. These issues are beliefs we feel are critical to our future, to put it about as simply as possible!

While we champion cost management as often our initial focus for clients, our long term goal will always be to introduce as many clients to energy efficiency and renewable sources as we can.